There’s been a remarkable rise in Town Halls across our country with a surge of support for INDEPENDENTS who do NOT belong to any political party. Their priority is doing what’s best for their residents and not any political masters !

There are already 307 Independent Councillors in England but we want more.

Independents will always put people before politics, fight for our precious Green Belt and much needed improvements in front line services which affect YOUR lives, roads, bin service. The list is extensive.

If elected we pledge to be hard working, diligent and responsive to our residents and follow issues through promptly to a conclusion.

People of Bury:-
Have you lost trust and confidence in Politicians ?
… so have we !

If you keep voting the same way you will get the same Council.

This year consider voting for INDEPENDENTS who have one priority YOU !

Don’t just wish for change …VOTE FOR IT X

Become a member / supporter now


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